Just yesterday I decided to draw and paint some of my favourite Christmas decorations. They’re just so lovely I couldn’t resist, and I’m planning to work my way through more of the box! And this morning I realised that I needed to update my special...
The weather turned a little colder this week, and, to be honest, I quite like it when jeans are totally appropriate for the temperature! Here’s your May calendar page: And, for the mega organised, here’s June too!
Each month this year I am sharing a printable calendar. It only seems like yesterday that I shared February… but here’s March for you! And if you’re a mad, keen, planner, here’s April as well for good measure. Hope you get good use out...
When my cousin wrote to ask if I had a 2016 Calendar available I actually didn’t… and then I thought – why not!?! And so I made one! I’m going to release a new ‘month page’ at the start of each month (they’re all done now so I...
While I actually LOVE choosing presents for people, whether I make them or buy them… sometimes a Gift Card is still the right thing. It might be easier to post, or for an experience that you just can’t wrap up… or you’ve just run out of time (I...