It’s February ALREADY! Good grief!
Thank goodness I’ve managed to do the first two stages of repainting the studio frontage and get 80% of the way through reorganising the insides, and run a fantastic first session for my new Paint Along artwork, “Passion for Life”.

It’s also been my first month as a self employed artist again, and I’m loving the freedom. Mind you, I was also reminded of just how little ‘work’ can be accomplished while all the kids are home on holidays. I love being with them, but now they’re happily back at school I can really get my teeth stuck into my to do list (now there’s an image in my head!).
As promised, here’s your February printable calendar page, and, because I know it’ll make life easier, I’ve attached March too.
Here’s to a wonderful February. It’s my birthday month so I have some plans to see through… make sure you’re on Facebook or Instagram for daily pics of the studio fun.