by | Jan 30, 2024 | Quotes, Shiny Happy Ideas, Watercolour
Are you a messy painter? Or a neat-ster? You know what? The only art supplies wasted are the ones left in the tube… or the pan… or perhaps the shop! And it doesn’t actually matter if you’re naturally neat or naturally messy. That’s a by...
by | Sep 30, 2023 | Online Paint Alongs, Paint Alongs, Shiny Happy Ideas
Three landmark moments from the FIFTY-SEVEN months (so far) of the Shiny Happy Art Club. When I decided to use numbers instead of months for the classes in my Shiny Happy Art Club. This was important because so many people are afraid of “falling behind” in a course. I...
by | Feb 28, 2023 | Shiny Happy Ideas
(This is from the #marchmeetthemaker instagram challenge – let’s see how we go!) So where did Shiny Happy Art actually come from? Well waaaaay back in the very early 2000s I was watching Sesame Street with my son, James, and REM came on and sang...
by | Dec 29, 2022 | Drawing, Online Paint Alongs, Shiny Happy Ideas, Watercolour
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ll know I am a BIIIIIG fan of ‘filling the page’. So many of us, beginner sketchers and painters in particular, just paint the thing. And leave it floating there, in mid air. Thinking...
by | Mar 1, 2022 | Press, Shiny Happy Ideas
With so much going on in the world, it’s difficult to write about and make art. The news of war and flood weigh heavily and donations don’t seem enough. But having offered Drink and Draw’s since the early days of covid, I know that so many people...
by | Sep 21, 2021 | Murals, Prints and shiny happy stuff, Shiny Happy Ideas
I’ve always been a fan of Spring. So when I was approached my wallpaper manufacturers, Milton & King, to design some floral wallpaper for their range, I jumped at the opportunity. I submitted nine ideas (this might have been the most difficult bit – I...