by | Sep 21, 2015 | Group Paint Alongs, Paint Alongs
Each September we have a Carnival of Flowers here in Toowoomba. It’s my favourite time of year! This year I was honoured to have my artwork featured on the cover of the souvenir lift out and get a mention inside as well. Another highlight was being asked to host...
by | Apr 29, 2015 | Group Paint Alongs
On Saturday 18 April, I headed to Brisbane to spend the morning with the terrific team from m3property who had organised a Collaborative Painting Event for their social club. The ‘Captain of Fun’, Basil Simitci (I’m not sure if that’s his...
by | Apr 4, 2015 | Group Paint Alongs
In my other life I’m the marketing manager at a wonderful high school here in Toowoomba, Downlands College. A Missionaries of the Sacred Heart College, we are regularly offered retreat days, and just before Easter all staff (teachers, admin, cleaning, cooking,...
by | Mar 29, 2015 | Group Paint Alongs
Downlands College sent me and my colleague, photographer Catherine Mims, out to Charleville, Quilpie, Cunnamulla and Wyandra in late March, to run a series of collaborative group paintings with each community. Every session started off in a similar way, but the...
by | Dec 14, 2014 | Group Paint Alongs
Last Friday a brilliant group of people from Hillman Morgan Financial Solutions joined me in the studio to make a group painting that could then be pulled apart so everyone could take a bit home. And the best thing was that until they arrived, it was a total surprise!...
by | Jun 21, 2014 | Group Paint Alongs, Guest Artists, Paintings
The ever delightful Tracy Verdugo came to town last weekend and left her mark on all the lucky participants in her Paint Mojo workshop, held in my Shiny Happy Art studio. On Day One we connected with symbols, shapes, colours and ink alchemy and let go. On Day Two we...